Nick Kirsch

Moving day!

No, not for me. For my good buddy Alex. He and his wife will move back to Seattle, after a year and some stint in Federal Way. I hope he can find a good job up North so he doesn’t end up moving back south. I’m getting tired of moving him all the time. ;P Eriko, I can barely wait to move us. X)


Big day on Monday, I have a phone call with a gentleman from Isilon. The job sounds exciting, the company sounds exciting, the work sounds exciting, the location sounds exciting. I hope it all turns out true. ;P Right now I am eating lentil soup made by the fantastic Gateway to India on 6th Ave. Truely splendid. Drooooolll……

Japanese Restaraunt

Well, I’ll have to admit I felt like a college student a bit tonight. I went to dinner (organized by the Japanese teachers) with several students (about 30). I rode with four youths, with some Japanese pop blasting (hurting my ancient ears). I was the only one at the table to order some sake, and the way back home consisted of listening to Star Wars. It was an entertaining evening, but we didn’t speak much Japanese!


Possible cures : reading Linus’ biography, dreaming of Eriko, dreaming of life with Eriko, dreaming of Eriko, dreaming of being a professor, dreaming of Eriko, writing a diary entry, wishing I was holding Eriko now.

Komputer Krazy

If I am lucky, I will be able to obtain 3 used hard drives for about $75. Why is this great? Because I will be able to build more computers, of course! There are many things I want to play with. Why not? I don’t have a job, now, do I?


(rplacd ‘(saturday rocks) ‘(i love eriko))