best valentine day's ever
i slept in, i had a good meal, and i didn’t worry or fret about love. as dad told me: ‘she loves me, and i love her.’ life is much more simple with that view. i was surprised with a package about noon, which was from Eriko. she made me a sweater. its beautiful and i really like it. its a tad big, i think it goes to my knees. hehe. her first sweater was a little too small, this one a little too big. just like the rings i made for her. maybe the third time is the charm for both of us. ;P i didn’t do anything for valentine’s day for Eriko except spend time working on the container for the cookies i’m going to send her. after spending way too long trying to get sticky material off of these two nut jars, i finally realized i could just cover the nut jar with construction paper and decorate it. that and if i left two cookies out then i didn’t need to have two jars. this morning i bought three flavors of frosting and i will sample them and apply them to the three heart shaped cookies to go along with the jar. it will be two years since we met next week. time really flies. i’ve watched her grow and mature, becoming the woman in real life that my heart already sees. i’m so grateful.